Alice’s perfect match: From fascinations to reality

Meet Alice, a passionate student at EllaBaché, who transitioned from high school to pursue her love for beauty. Growing up in Western Sydney and finishing Year 10, Alice's story is one of determination, resilience, and a deep-rooted passion for beauty therapy.

A Lifelong Passion for Beauty and Skincare

Alice's fascination with beauty started at a young age. She was always drawn to makeup and skincare, spending hours experimenting with different products and techniques. Her interest deepened when she experienced severe acne during her teenage years. Seeking help from skin specialists who provided care and support, Alice realised the transformative power of effective skincare. "I always loved beauty, even when I was really young," she recalls. This personal experience fuelled her desire to help others achieve healthy, radiant skin, just as her skin specialists had done for her

Navigating Learning During Lockdown

Studying during the lockdown was a unique experience for Alice. "It was weird," she recalls. Being in Year 7 when the lockdown started, she found the change in learning style both challenging and beneficial. Initially, Alice enjoyed the independent learning, but she eventually missed the school environment. Despite her dislike for school, the lockdown taught her the importance of structure and interaction in education.

The Joy of On-Campus Learning

Now studying on-campus at Ella Baché, Alice appreciates the one-on-one aspect of her classes. "I like that more intimate size classing," she says. The structured yet flexible schedule, which includes both theory and practical sessions, suits her learning style perfectly. Alice enjoys the balance of set days and the freedom to adapt within the class, making her education both enjoyable and effective.

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Choosing Ella Baché College

Alice's decision to study at Ella Baché was influenced by her mother, who was familiar with the brand. Compared to TAFE, Ella Baché's vibrant and welcoming environment appealed to Alice. "TAFE just seemed a bit like too similar to school," she explains. The character and personality of Ella Baché College, with its colourful artwork and engaging atmosphere, made it the perfect choice for her.

A Trustworthy and Credible Brand

With 70 years of history, Alice feels confident in the credibility of the Ella Baché brand. Her personal experiences with beauty professionals who helped her with acne further solidified her trust and admiration for the field.

A Passion for Beauty Therapy

Alice's love for beauty therapy is deeply personal. Having struggled with severe acne, she received care and support from skin specialists, which inspired her to pursue a career in beauty therapy. "I wanted to do that for someone else one day," she shares. This desire to help others achieve healthy skin drives her passion for beauty therapy.

Exciting Discoveries in Beauty

One of the most interesting aspects of Alice's education has been learning about the skin diagnosis tool, the TrueView, developed by Ella Baché. She is fascinated by how the tool uses different colours to indicate various skin conditions. "It's really cool," she says, appreciating the detailed insights it provides into skin health.

Advice for Aspiring Beauty Therapists

Alice's advice to others interested in studying beauty therapy is to do it only if they truly enjoy it. "Some people think it's easy money, but you should really love it," she emphasises. Her own commitment to beauty therapy is rooted in genuine passion and a desire to make a difference in others' lives.

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Lifelong Friendships and Versatile Products

During her course, Alice has made lasting friendships, notably with her friend Jasmine. She also discovered her favorite Ella Baché product, the Emulsion Tomate, which she finds incredibly versatile. "We use it for so many things," she says, appreciating its multifunctional use in waxing, facials, and even as a makeup primer.

Fun and Supportive Learning Environment

One of Alice's best experiences throughout the course has been the supportive and fun learning environment. Despite the challenging theory, the practical sessions are enjoyable, and the camaraderie among students makes learning a collaborative and positive experience.

Future Goals and Aspirations

After completing her course, Alice aims to gain work experience and secure a job in the beauty industry. Ultimately, she dreams of starting her own business, combining her passion for beauty with her entrepreneurial spirit.

Alice's journey from school to beauty therapy is a testament to following one's passion and embracing new opportunities. Her story highlights the importance of pursuing a career that brings joy and fulfillment, and she looks forward to making a positive impact in the beauty industry.

So what are you waiting for? Kick off your new career by enrolling!

Accreditation: Nationally Accredited Course
Funding: VET Student Loan Approved
Days remaining till next enrolment:
Next Intake:
09 Sep 2024